Hidden Canyon (Closed)


Difficulty: Strenuous

Elevation Gain/Loss: 850 feet / 259 meter gain

Average Hiking Time: 2 to 3 hours round trip

Distance: 2 miles, 3.2 km round trip

Trailhead Location: Weeping Rock Trailhead

Optimal Time to Hike: Year round; better before noon or after 4pm in the summer

Experience: Hidden Canyon is great for first-timers to Zion and makes for a remarkable day when combined with Observation Point and Weeping Rock. Climbing elongated switchbacks from Weeping Rock, your destina- tion remains hidden until the last few minutes of the hike, hugging the wall and chain rail up to its chopped step entrance into the walls of the “hanging” canyon. For those with excellent scrambling skills, venturing into the hands of the canyon walls for several hundred yards yields a beautiful arch and many boulder obstacles in between.