Canyon Overlook


Difficulty: Moderate

Elevation Gain/Loss: 163 feet / 50 meters gain

Average Hiking Time: 1 hour round trip

Distance: 1 mile, 1.6 km round trip

Trailhead Location: Canyon Overlook Trailhead east of the Mt. Carmel Tunnel

Optimal Time to Hike: Year round; early morning or evening

Experience: Coined the “best bang for the buck in Zion,” this 1⁄2 mile trail has a little bit of everything; catwalks, rock steps, views into a sinuous slot canyon, slick rock hiking, grottos and breathtaking views. Parking can be challenging, so plan accordingly. A wonderful place for a full-moon hike, stargazing, or catching the first light bleeding down the Streaked Wall.

Canyon Overlook (view from the top of the overlook)

Canyon Overlook (view from the top of the overlook)
