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The Way of the Prosperous Woman

Friday, September 21-Sunday, September 23, 2018

When a woman is prosperous, she emanates a harmonious fragrance and flowering essence of security, grace,depth, character and heart centered nurturing and truthfulness. In Kundalini Yoga, we recognize that we are all part of creation as ONE. Creation operates on the principle of flowering abundance. The sun gives. The earth gives. The rain gives. Then the plants flower. The food is grown. Fruits ripen. This infinite cycle exists for us to participate fully! Within the awareness of our participation in this cosmic cycle, consciousness evolves in so many beautiful perfect forms on the Earth. In fact, true prosperity does not come from accumulation of as many earthly
possessions as possible: True prosperity happens when our authenticity comes into this state of flowering awareness, where everyone has something unique and truly valuable to share. Come join and co-create a flowering connection to your destiny….

This retreat is filled with sacred technology and tools, kriyas, mantras, and meditation to help you embody and activate your capacity to expand and develop prosperity consciousness for yourself, and to share with others in our
experience of everyday living. Let’s gather in sisterhood and rise together, by creating a new pattern of collective support for all to be successful, so that WE as women can radiate our true beauty and Grace. Come join!
This retreat will be for a maximum of 8 women.

To reservation please us this link:

Later Event: October 26
4th Zion Matrix